Saturday, March 4, 2023

Panel Repair eBooks

 World No 1 Panel Bypassing ebooks 

Old Price 55 USD 

Writer Imran Ashraf

He is an expert in LCD LED TV PANEL and electronic repair and has written several books on LCD TV panel repair, including LCD LED TV Panel Bypassing Guide, LCD LED TV Repairing and Screen Bypassing, Master LCD LED TV Repairing and Screen Bypassing Hindi version

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Imran Ashraf Panel Repair Top Ranking eBooks For LCD LED TV Repair 

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Learn how to repair Panel failures,T-con problem in LCD LED TVs with comprehensive guide line with Schematics and Pictures of Problems, This eBook (PDF) or (Doc)format was written for Advanced Level of Technician of LCD LED and Plasma TV repair and includes many Bypass method. If you want to become expert in this filed of LCD LED TV repair  than this is a good eBook for you. Maybe you have a broken LCD TV sitting at home or your workshop and you want to repair it quickly. No Problem who you are or what your reason is for wanting to repair LCD or LED TVs you have come to the right place.Once you have complete your purchase you will be sent a link to download a copy immediately.
Volume 1 ,
Volume 2 ,

Ebooks Preview 

Ebook Format .Doc and PDF

Complete Knowledge of Screen Voltages 

How to Bypass Cof Voltages and other Data

Cof Data Collection Available 

Fault like Slow Motion Picture Problem

Ghost Image Problem

No Image Problem Backlight Ok

Backlight OK But No Picture Problem

Dabble image Problem

Negative Type Picture Problem

Picture Solarization Problem

Vertical Bars Problem

Horizontal Bars Problem

White Image Problem

DC DC Voltages Chart

VGH VGL AVDD Vcom VCC Voltages Guide

How to Bypass tracks to Side Cof 

Complete Knowledgeable Guide Book

For New Technician's 

For CRT TV Repair Technician's

For LCD TV Technician's 

INCLUDING 2 Bonus Ebook 


Backlight Bypassing Guide & Modifications E-BOOK 

LCD/LED पैनल रिपेयर करने केलिए विवरण हमको ब्लॉग में, सर्विस मैन्युअल में, इंटरनेट पे मिलते हे ,लेकिन हमको सभी जगहों पर पहुँच नहीं सकते, हमें एक साथ सभी विवरण मिलता तो बहुत अच्छा होगा,  ebooks of Lcd Led Tv Bypassing Methods में पैनल का बहुत सारा विवरण  दिया हुआ हे,मेरे को यकीन हे ये  हमारे दैनिक जीवन में मदद करेंगे , ये बुक आपको ऑनलाइन पे भी खरीद सकते हो, इसकेलिए आप ये वेबसाइट पे जाने का हे

പാനൽ നന്നാക്കുവാൻ സഹായിക്കുന്ന ഒരുപാട് കാര്യങ്ങൾ ഇന്റെർനെറ്റിലും ,ബ്ലോഗുകളിലും ,സർവീസ് മാനുവലുകളിലും  ഉണ്ടെങ്കിലും നമുക്ക് എല്ലാ സ്ഥലത്തും എത്തിപെടാൻ ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടാണ് ,അങ്ങനെയുള്ളപ്പോൾ  നമുക്ക് ആവശ്യമുള്ള പാനൽ സന്ബന്ധമായ ഒരുപാട് കാര്യങ്ങൾ  കോർത്തിണക്കി കൊണ്ടുള്ള ഒരു പുസ്തകമാണ് ebooks of Lcd Led Tv Bypassing Methods 
 ഇതിന്റെ ഉള്ളടക്കം നിങ്ങള്ക്ക് ഉപയോഗത്തിൽ വരുമെന്നതിന് സംശയം ഒന്നും തന്നെ വേണ്ട.ഈ ബുക്ക്‌ വാങ്ങുന്നതിന് വേണ്ടി ഓണ്‍ലൈൻ വഴി പണം അടക്കാം, അതിനു വേണ്ടി  പേജ് സന്ദർശിക്കുക

Book Index

1.       My Special Request


3.       L.C.D L.E.D T.V Panels Connection and Voltages Understanding.

4.       Brief Details of Panels Connection Points.

5.       Brief Details of Panels Connection Points.

6.       Test Case “Ghost Image with slow motion”

7.       Understanding the Tab, COF, and T-BGA

8.       Types of panels.

9.       Panel Cut-Circumcision.

1 0.   Example of TCP.

1 1.   Bonding Machine for installing New Tab COF I.Cs.

1 2.   Symptom: Have audio but No Picture and black screen.

1 3.   Symptoms: A white screen.

1 4.   Example voltage timing control circuit.

1 5.   Philips LCD Panel Production QUANTA DISPLAYS Problem.

1 6.   Self Monitoring System of LCD LED TVs’.

1 7.   Study Case Panel failure of LCD-TV Samsung guide.

1 8.   Here we show you different type of panels and Modifications.

1 9.   When you try to Modify LCD Panels you should know the Basic knowledge of these connection as I mention.

2 0.   Samsung Fault: Braking out with periodic disappearance and falling in inhibiting vertical colored stripes.

2 1.   Symptoms: when you turn on a dark gray background how to solve.

2 2.   Fault: 3/4 bottom image shows the distortion, the top band is the norm.

2 3.   Defect: The screen is divided almost in half, top normal, low distortion.


2 5.   T-Con board AS-15HG problem.

2 6.   Bad Gamma Correction Examples with cure.

2 7.   Another Problem of AS-15-F IC in Sharp LCD TV with by pass method.

2 8.   Problem SANYO 42CA8Z Blurry images or blur increasingly graying faintly visible image,

2 9.   Understanding of  LVDS cable failures.


3 1.   Green lines or a green screen defective main board , LVDS , or T-CON.

3 2.   Toshiba LCD 32AV Horizontal distortion.

33.   Samsung Defect: low-contrast negative image with a blue-green moiré.

34.   FAILURE: When the screen is dark then (1 min) horizontal bars passing through a couple of minutes in the 1-3 inch vertical column. By pass

35.   Samsung LE32B450C4WXRU Purple color all over the screen also when you try to enter the setting manually.

36.   Horizontal stripes Panel Number T#######VC V by pass.

37.   Problem low contrast, whitish image by pass.

38.   secrete of LED Panel CLAA####FA04S By pass.

39.   SAMSUNG LE26C350DW SAMSUNG LE32C350DW Panel by pass.

40.    LCD TV Use Panel V####B1-L01 T-CON V315B1- by pass.

41.   #Problem: Bands appear immediately after switching on the power supply…By Pass.

42.   #Panel LC420WX5 Used in Many LCDs TVs’ LG, PHILIPS By pass.

43.   #SAMSUNG LTA320WT-L05 by Pass.

44.   Panel Samsung LTA320W####2-L13, By Pass.

45.   #Samsung LE32R71 picture distortion like net all over the picture.

46.   #SHARP LC  Models ,LC  Model P50-70 By pass.

47.   Photos defects panel Not Repairable.

48.   Fault occurs defective discharge.

49.   #Samsung LTA3##0WT-0 Problem is the failure of the backlight (CCFL).

50.   #LG model15LS1R CL-81.Fault Menu does not appear correctly.

51.   LG LCD 22##C30 Plain White Screen.

52.   Frequent vertical stripes in the image across the screen Solution Problem.

53.   Fault: lay in the fact that when the image appeared in just 30 seconds, the red almost was not.

54.   FAULT : Trouble- 5 to 20 minutes (cold) a horizontal bar moves vertically then another and another, 10 seconds through out completely disappears, the problem occurs only with a tuner, AV on all normal.

55.   #SONY BRAVIA Absolutely identical symptoms manifestations malfunction.

56.   KDL46X3500 UNEVEN BACKLIGHTING Defect:  lights in the center of the raster for defects.

57.   Fault: No picture, and sometimes colored vertical thin black horizontal stripes across the screen.

5 8.   LG Fault: The screen is horizontally moved on top of the bottom band image is not visible but the graphics is visible clearly.

5 9.   #SAMSUNG LE32S81.Fault: Slowly illuminates the image, turning into two part.

6 0.   PHILIPS26PF9946/12, CHASSIS AND LC4.2E PHILIPS color stripes at half of 1/3 .

6 1.   #HITACHI 37LD9000TA Problem: Stripes, ghost pictures…

6 2.   #SAMSUNG LED TV LE42D50#0 Fault:  Noise bar on picture of every input.

6 3.   #TV LG #42PX3RVA-ZC MF Problem: Plasma with green stripes in the form of image noise.

6 4.   #PANEL# V400H1-L12 REV1 TCON V400H1 PETAL NT39530H-C5208A Driver 1138 AA-A521AT Common Problem of this types of panel you should Test and jump these connection as we shows.

6 5.   #Sony Barvia Defect The image is not clear with horizontal stripes.

6 6.   #Panel M260TWR1 Modification.

6 7.   #V315B3-L04 Panel Connection.


6 9.   #Panel V260B1 Major Problem by pass.

7 0.   Sony Came to malfunction doubles the image vertically and "banding" in the upper part of the image by pass.

7 1.   #SAMSUNG PANEL LTA320WT-L05 By pass.

7 2.   PANEL T370XW02 V.5   TCON T370XW02 V.5 CB By Pass.

7 3.   #PANEL LTY460HB08 460HBSR2LV1.1 by Pass.

7 4.   #LTA320WT-L15, STRAP 320WTSL4LV0.0 by Pass.

7 5.   #Test Case LC420WUD-SBM2 read care fully.

7 6.   #Panel LC420W02 by pass.

7 7.   #Panel P-MOD 46M1T by Pass.

7 8.   #HT215F01-100 by pass.

7 9.   #Philips 32PF3320/10 Panel CLAA216WA01 by pass.

8 0.   #Panel LC320WUE-SAA1 stands in 32PFL5604 By Pass.

8 1.   #Panel LTA320AB02  T-CON - 320AB02CP2LV0.3,

8 2.   #LTA320WT-LF2 DAEWOO DLP-32C1 by pass.

8 3.   #Panel Samsung LTA320W2-L13, fee T-CON: 320W2C4LV6.4 by pass.

8 4.   #V260B1-L11 and V260B1-by Pass.

8 5.   #Panel LTA320WT-LF2 by Pass.

8 6.   #Philips 32pf5321/12   Bars on picture.

8 7.   #T260XW05 V0. T-con built on the top plate pass.

8 8.   #Panasonic TX-R32LE8.

8 9.   #Chinese fault.

9 0.   #SAMSUNG PS42C91HX_NWT.

9 1.   #Sharp KD603WE01, VCT6973G B3, LCD-module LK315P3LZ10Z green border, as in the image sloping noise bands, with high brightness in light areas in the image goes negative.

9 2.   #SAMSUNG LA46M81B. Panel LTA460HB05 by pass.

9 3.   #Panel AUO T420XW01 #V0 (LCD TV Sharp LC-42PD2RU)  Modify by pass.

9 4.   #Panel AUO T420XW01 #VC stands 42J bars…By pass.

9 5.   #Panel LTA320WT-L06 T-CON #320WTC2LV3.7 by pass.

9 6.   #Panel LC320WUE-SAA1 stands in #32PFL5604, By Pass.

9 7.   #Panel LTA320WT-LF2 by pass.

9 8.   Model Samsung LE37M87BDX/BWT -Matrix T370HW02 v.2 by pass. 

9 9.   #Panels CLAA215FA and #panel - CLAA215FA04 by Pass.

1 100.                        PANEL T370HW02 V1 by pass.

1 101.                        T260XW04 V.3 Pads RM76180FC-086 driver 06B019CCA1 by pass.

1 102.                        Panel LG LC470WUE by pass and much more,

1 103.                        List of Test Cases Faults for LCD and LED TVs.

1 104.                        List of LCD,LED TV Factory Reset and Service modes.

1 105.                        Software Information.

1 106.                        Power supply repairing

1 107.                        Main board repairing.

1 108.                        Inverter and Blaster repairing and by pass.
T con Board Information

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