Wednesday, December 11, 2013





     Normally T'Con board can be located fitted with LCD panel, either horizontally or vertically.  In most sets, it will be shielded withe a metal case, screwed upon it, which acts as an electrostatic shield, as well as a heatsink to main processor IC.  Upon unscrewing out the metal shield, the T'Con board is exposed, secured by screwing it on to the chassis.
See the normal position to a T'Con board:

     After locating the T'Con board, carefully check it for any capacitor fault or any on board surace mounted fuse blown up.  Refer the schematic diagram of the Tv under service for details.  If found any, replace them and try once more by connecting it.  Be careful when unplugging the flat cable connections to this board.  Look for any lock, if any, at the side of each connecting sockets.  If there is such locks, pull out the strip wires only after releasing them.  See a typical connection.

     Be very patient, and concentrate only to work you are doing.  Never handle board or wire with careless.  As you can see, no ICs on it can be replaced by normal soldering techniques.  The board  has been manufactured by automatic PPS; [Pick Place and Solder], machines controlled by computer and robotic hands.   Before unscrew the board out from chassis, just unplug all the flat cable connections, and reinsert them as it was.  Check once more by switch ON the set, after all connection has been done properly.  Keep all the wire dressings same as before. If you have damaged any strip wires that connected with, not use it any more.  Buy new ones' of same connection numbers and dimensions.  These flat cables can be bought from most of the electronic spare part selling shops.  

     In rare cases, there might be some alignment be done after this board replacement.  To do it, you have to enter the service mode option to your set.  If you are not sound in electronics, seek tech support.  Never enter to service mode option, and change data values there, without proper knowledge.  it might make the set irresponsible to any further commands.

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