Friday, December 20, 2013

Hitachi LCD Repair

Hitachi LCD Repair Tips

15LD2200 -No-Fuse F1 pictures and C16 or C5 (150N) on the inverter board
-No picture-check fuse F1 and C16 or C5 (15 on) on the inverter board
22LD4200 -Lost picture after diferent time-Dry joints IC100 on board video processor (17MB10).
-Figure disappear after a while-check the connection on the video processor on board IC 100
22LD4200- No pictures sound ok, no pictures after diferent time on 17amp07 CHECK 5v p / s board if less 3.0 or 1.5 replaced C111 (25v1000mkgf)
-There is no sound good picture, no picture after a while check TEG 5v on board 17amp07 p / s if less dar ata 1.5v 3v switch c11 (1000mkgf 25v)
22LD4200 -Lines on the picture Bad conection between PS (PL108) and the video board (PL100).
-The line in the figure because of a bad connection between the PS (PL108) and Board video (PL100)
22LD4200 -line-Green Flashing green horizontal line across the screen intermittently flashing-Remove resistor R149 on the input signal board and replace it with jumper SMD (0 W)
22LD4200 -St-by redlight go green and back to red-transistor (Q104 BC548) and Resistor (100oM).
22LD4500U- No sound- Very low sound on terrestrial and no sound on digital inputs or any AV-memory Replace IC302 Type 24LC16.All customer controls are set to minimum on the new IC. Please reset the language and all the picture controls to normal after replacing the IC.
26LD6200 -Lines on the screen, strange picture-Replaced cable from the main board to the screen.
26LD6200/32LD6200 -No pictures or lost after 10.20 sec-replaced the inverter board (P.Suplly) 17PW11-2 (24Volts)
26LD6200/32LD6200 - The unit does not work, standby LED not lighting-Replace L500 and L501 Ferrite bead with a jumper wire.
26LD6600/32LD6600 - Looks like no-fault Synchro impulse eeprom Just go in service menu (menu, 4,7,2,5)-Factory reset option.
26LD6600/32LD6600 - no sound-Reinstate sound settings as follows:
Enter Service mode.Press menu then 4,7,2,5.
Go to Audio menu.
Select Sound 2. and enter the following values:
FM Prescaler 15
NICAM prescale AVL ON 35
SCART prescale AVL ON 14
Reinstate sound settings as follows.

26LD6600/32LD6600 - Lines on the screen-Cable from the main board to the screen super glue it.
26LD6600/32LD6600 -Lines, pictures no back light present-resoldered IC224 (videoprocesor).
26LD6600/32LD6600 -
28LD5200- No color Colour drops out after the unit has been running for two to three hours.Resolder capacitor C510 and other components in its vicinity.
32LD9700 -No sound bad conection in PFA1 (HDMI board) pin 2 press just take it out and put it back.
32LD9700/42LD9700 -No sound bad soldering on cristal X800 (HDMI board).

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