Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Samsung DLP

  • When the unit is turned ON, picture will have vertical lines across the entire screen.  These lines can be black or white.
  • The unit will cycle three times and then goes to shut down, after three LED blinks => Monitor CN107, pin number 3 of DMD board for [4vpp].  This is "Ballast" drive signal.
  • Video lock-up either intermittent or immediate => DMD board is loading down the control bus.
  • No video and/or control functions, while audio is OK => DMD board is loading down the control bus.
  • Unable to turn the unit OFF or no control functions.  The set must be unplugged and plugged in again to power up the unit => DMD board is loading down the control bus.
  • Immediate shutdown after initial turn ON => DMD board is loading down the control bus.
  • Color wheel running slow => Bad DMD board can cause this fault.
  • Stuck pixels => The stuck pixels may display all white or all black.
  • Grainy picture to all modes => DMD board fault.
Check for any defective soldering on the DMD board, Control IC-DDP1011, causes most of these symptoms.  The DDP-1011 IC is a BGA (Ball Gate Array) type.  It is not repairable in the field.
DMD board part number is [BP96-00678A]
There are two different DMD boards in production.  Older sets uses the Air Type Color Wheel, and newer sets uses the FDB color wheel.  FDB boards include a small jumper on the DVD board along with the label. Older units, with air bearing color wheel do not have this jumper. The new type board will have the jumper installed.  Remove this jumper, if the set under repair uses AIR type color wheel.

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