Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Philips Com

  1. Cautiously pull back the upper part of the anti-static copper foils next to left and right speakers. do this in such a way that the foils are no longer attached to the metal ground plate on which the SSB board is mounted.
  2. Disconnect cables  form the "L" and "R" speakers.
  3. Unplug the LVDS connector  on the LCD panel. Be careful. This is a very fragile connector. 
  4. Unplug connections of the side I/O panel, the Top Control Panel, and the LCD panel on the SSB board
  5. Unplug 520 & X530 connectors on the power supply board. Instead of X520 also connector 66B on the other end of flat cable can be unplugged. 
  6. Lift the metal frame, together with all PCBs from the LCD panel.  Take care not to damage fragile LVDS cable, the 66B connector, and the anti-static copper foils.  Take care of these too, when later re-assembling the TV set, and replacing the copper foil.
  7. After removal of the metal frame, you can lift the LCD dispay from plastic frame.  
  8. If the plastic frame is damaged, replace it by a new frame, after removing speakers, the side I/O panel, the top control panel, and LED panel.
To reassemble the whole set, execute all process in reverse order.  While re-assembling, make sure that all cables are placed and connected in their original positions.  Also make sure that the antistatic copper foils are not damaged, and they make good electrical contact with the metal frame.  Be careful with the fragile LVDS cable.

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