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Professional LCD/LED TV Firmware, COF Voltages, and Repair Solutions
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Professional LCD/LED TV Firmware, COF Voltages, and Repair Solutions
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برنامج ClassPro tv هو إصدار مدفوع متاح لجهاز التلفزيون الخاص بك
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All ClassPro TV software Program Available
Service Centre Software Program Price 200 Riyals
My Software Program Price is 100 Riyals
Contact Imran Ashraf +923139292880
Tested and Verified Software Available With Complete Guide and Support Available
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السلام عليكم جميع الأصدقاء يواجه العديد من الأشخاص في المملكة العربية السعودية مشكلة في برنامج تلفزيون Class Pro، ومشكلة شعار الأغلبية في التلفزيون عندما يقومون بتحديث التلفزيون عبر الإنترنت وسيتوقف التلفزيون على شاشة الشعار وسيعمل التلفزيون ويتوقف مرارًا وتكرارًا
هذه قضية الأغلبية
الآن أقدم نفسي لكم
اسمي عمران أشرف وأنا مهندس برمجيات أجهزة التلفاز
يمكنني حل مشكلة التلفزيون الخاص بك عن طريق برنامجي
لقد قمت بحل العديد من مشاكل التلفاز في السعودية
جميع التفاصيل التي قمت بتحميلها على قناتي على اليوتيوب يمكنك رؤية مقاطع الفيديو وتعليقات العملاء
سعر البرنامج 86 ريال فقط
يمكنك شراء البرامج المحدثة مني عبر الإنترنت
بمساعدتي وتعليماتي عبر الإنترنت، يمكنك حل مشاكل التلفزيون في 5 دقائق
برنامج ClassPro tv هو إصدار مدفوع متاح لجهاز التلفزيون الخاص بك
ما عليك سوى دفع مبلغ صغير جدًا
يمكنه حل مشاكل جهاز التلفزيون الخاص بك
يمكنه حل مشكلة تعليق التلفزيون
يمكنه حل مشكلة تجميد شاشة التلفزيون
يمكنه حل مشكلة تشغيل وإيقاف تشغيل التلفزيون
يمكنه حل مشكلة إصدار Android القديم لجهاز التلفزيون الخاص بك
Classpro TV Upgrade Software Successfully
السلام عليكم جميع الأصدقاء
السلام عليكم جميع الأصدقاء يواجه العديد من الأشخاص في المملكة العربية السعودية مشكلة في برنامج تلفزيون Class Pro، ومشكلة شعار الأغلبية في التلفزيون عندما يقومون بتحديث التلفزيون عبر الإنترنت وسيتوقف التلفزيون على شاشة الشعار وسيعمل التلفزيون ويتوقف مرارًا وتكرارًا
هذه قضية الأغلبية
الآن أقدم نفسي لكم
اسمي عمران أشرف وأنا مهندس برمجيات أجهزة التلفاز
يمكنني حل مشكلة التلفزيون الخاص بك عن طريق برنامجي
لقد قمت بحل العديد من مشاكل التلفاز في السعودية
جميع التفاصيل التي قمت بتحميلها على قناتي على اليوتيوب يمكنك رؤية مقاطع الفيديو وتعليقات العملاء
سعر البرنامج 86 ريال فقط
يمكنك شراء البرامج المحدثة مني عبر الإنترنت
بمساعدتي وتعليماتي عبر الإنترنت، يمكنك حل مشاكل التلفزيون في 5 دقائق
تعطل الشعار وتجمد الشاشة هي مشكلة برمجية في جهاز التلفزيون الخاص بك
أنا موفر البرامج الثابتة الأصلي لـ Classpro TV
موديلات مثل Classpro TV CGS65UHD وCGS70UHD CGS86UHD مشكلة الشعار عالقة عندما نقوم بتشغيل التلفزيون فقط يظهر الشعار ولا شيء، كما نقوم بتحديث التلفزيون الخاص بك باستخدام البرنامج لدينا برنامج التلفزيون لكل Classpro TV CGS50UHD. تم تصنيع هذا التلفزيون من قبل فريق عمل سعودي باكستاني ويتم استخدامه في العديد من دول الخليج. هذا التلفزيون ممتاز في الاستخدام الإصدار الأصلي 9 Android سيتم تحديث برنامج هذا التلفزيون Android 11 بعد تثبيت البرنامج الخاص بي. لديك مشاكل مع التخزين. سيتم حل هذه المشكلة.
من الضروري ترقية برنامج التلفزيون إذا كانت لديك مشكلة في تلفزيون classpro. يرجى تقديم رقم طراز التلفزيون إلى رقم WhatsApp الخاص بي +923139292880 وسأرشدك خلال عملية تحديث ملف البرنامج الثابت عبر USB
يرجى التحقق من جميع مقاطع فيديو YouTube الخاصة بي للتعرف على كيفية تحديث جهاز التلفزيون الخاص بك وكيف سيبدو بعد تثبيت البرنامج.
Asalam o Alikum all Friends
I am the original firmware provider for Classpro TV
Models like this Classpro TV CGS65UHD And CGS70UHD CGS86UHD Stuck on logo problem when we turn on tv only showing logo and nothing also we update your tv using software We have the TV's software for every Classpro TV CGS50UHD. This TV is made by a Saudi Arabian Pakistan business team and is utilized in several Gulf nations. This TV is excellent in use original version 9 Android This TV's software will be updated Android 11 after installing my software. You are having issues with storage. That issue will be resolved.
It is necessary to upgrade the TV software if you have a classpro tv issue. Kindly provide the TV model number to my WhatsApp number +923139292880 I will guide you through the process of updating firmware software file via USB
Please check my all YouTube Video's for your knowledge how to update your TV and how it's look like after installation software.
All ClassPro TV software Available
Warning!!If you are not a professional electronic technician, please do not place an order Required Firmware. Most motherboards require adjusting the screen parameters, modifying the program USB drive, or swapping the data chip EEPROM, which is difficult for ordinary buyers! If disputes arise due to not adjusting the screen parameters, modifying the program, or purchasing the wrong model Firmware, we refuse a refund. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation
Learn how to repair LCD tv Panel failures,T-con problem in LCD LED TVs with comprehensive guide line with Schematics and Pictures of Problems, This eBook (PDF) or (Doc)format was written for Advanced Level of Technician of LCD and LED TV repair and includes many Bypass method. If you want to become expert in this filed of LCD LED TV repair than this is a good eBook and Printed Book for you. Maybe you have a broken LCD TV sitting at home or your workshop and you want to repair it quickly.
Imran Ashraf Support China Universal Board/ Jumper Board Service Menu Access and Service mode Code for all types of LCD Tv.
TPD.MT9602.PC823 Firmware Available.
for model 55 inch Screen and 65 inch Model Screen Software is Available
Hang Problem Solved
Tv Restart Problem Solved
You need to install new tv software contact me
we help and support online through our Whatsapp chat service our Whatsapp chat messenger number link is there +923139292880.
Professional LCD/LED TV Firmware, COF Voltages, and Repair Solutions
Toshiba 75U7880ee model Main board number is 5851-A9k04T-1P10 software is Available
You can solve Problem when tv stuck logo hanging logo screen freezing screen when you try to on your tv it's also restart your tv
At this position you need to Flash your tv with original tv firmware software via flash drive USB
You need software file USB and laptop for prepare USB for installation.
we help and support online through our Whatsapp chat service our Whatsapp chat messenger number link is there +923139292880.
Dansat 70 inch screen LED TV matching Software is Available,we provide paid Firmware through our Website for Professional LED tv Technician please visit all required firmware category and software with LED tv Model number and Tv main board number, we help and support online through our Whatsapp chat service our Whatsapp chat messenger number link is there +923139292880.
Dansat Firmware
Professional LCD/LED TV Firmware, COF Voltages, and Repair Solutions
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ “In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”
Short Killer Panels
Dark screen problem on earless Cof less panels.
For example the Samsung panel.
To find out if it's short or not then:
How to shoot the short route.
Circuit Short Killer Device
A circuit short killer refers to a device or technique used to identify and troubleshoot circuit shorts in electrical systems.
It helps in locating and fixing the faulty circuit that is causing the short circuit.
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Here are a few common methods used to find circuit shorts:
Visual inspection: Start by visually inspecting the electrical system, including wires, cables, connectors, and any exposed or damaged areas.
Look for any signs of burned or melted insulation, exposed wires, or loose connections.
Circuit breaker test: Turn off all the circuit breakers in the electrical panel and then turn them on one by one.
If a circuit breaker trips immediately after turning it on, it often indicates a circuit short in that particular circuit.
Multimeter testing: Use a multimeter to test the resistance, continuity, and voltage at different points in the circuit.
Compare readings between different components to identify any variations that may indicate a short circuit.
Divide and conquer: If the circuit has multiple devices or outlets, disconnect them all and then reconnect them one by one, testing for a short circuit after each connection.
This helps to isolate the problematic device or outlet.
Short circuit locator: There are specialized tools called short circuit locators or circuit tracers available in the market.
These tools emit a signal that can be traced along the length of a circuit to pinpoint the location of the short circuit.
Remember, working with electrical systems can be dangerous.
If you are not confident or experienced in electrical work, it is recommended to seek professional help from a licensed electrician or technician.
6: Short Circuit Remover Tools
You can remove short circuit in electronics circuit by short killer tools as shown in this pictures
Dead, means No output and no response on output.
Missing particular voltage.
Voltage fluctuation.
Shorting in the primary section.
Secondary section shorting.
Main Capacitor Blast and weak.
STR Mosfet error.
Blast STR IC.
These are the common fault which we get in the LCD LED TV. Now I will tell you how you can fix this type of fault very easily. I already repair many power supply board. If you want to watch my PSU repairing video click here and learn how I repair power supply and fix the TV.
Repairing Process
DEAD: For dead power supply repairing first of all you have to check all the components. Mostly PSU getting dead when some components getting overheating or burn. Find the bad components and replace them with a new one. Especially mostly time we get a fault in the main STR Transistor which use for voltage switching. And lastly you have to check the feedback Schottky diode. Many times this diode also getting overheat and burn, after that stop the voltage flow. for more information click here.
Missing Particular Voltage: When you get some specific particular voltage is missing in the PSU, you have to check that track. For example from PSU we get many values voltage like 5v, 3.3v, 12v, 24v. If any of this voltage is missing in the LCD LED power supply, check that particular voltage which you not getting from PSU. This type of specific voltage missing problem you fix very easily if you know about tracing the track. Mostly I fixed this type of problem by doing to replace the capacitor and transistor and voltage regulator replacing.
Voltage Fluctuation: This means the output voltage is not stable and not pure DC. To repair this type of fault you have to check the voltage rectification section. Firstly check the main primary section capacitor. Seeing such a rectification problem for this fault. This type of problem also arises because the capacitor is weak. If the capacitor is getting weak simply replace that capacitor. Your LCD LED TV Power supply fluctuation problem will be fixed.
Shorting in Primary and Secondary Section: It is very simple to fix this type of shorting problem. Only you have to find out the sorting components and replace them with a new one. That’s it your power supply will be fixed.
Main Capacitor Blast and weak: High voltage damage in LCD LED power supply is that blast the main capacitor or blast the main STR Transistor. When you open the TV first you will see the capacitor is a blast. This problem only gets when a huge amount of voltage will flow in the circuit. For repairing this problem first change the fuse and capacitor. Before the test the circuit also checks the STR Transistor. Many times STR also effected by the overvoltage input signal.
STR Mosfet error: This is most getting a problem in the LCD LED power supply. If you get 10 Dead LED TV for repairing, 6 will be the STR error problem. In my 12 years of repairing experience I have repaired 1000+
Contributor Imran Ashraf Electrolab Service
Thank You
Panel Repairing And Firmware Specialist in Karachi
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